reede, juuni 23, 2006

Cakes with legs

I'm staying at this fancy hotel paid for by the guys I'm working for, and last night I went to a nearby market where I bought a box of small cakes covered in chocolate.  The box says on the outside it contains six individually wrapped pieces of cake.

Las night I ate two, and closed the box to eat two more tonight.  But when I opened the box tonight, I find there're only THREE cakes left.  What the fuck?  I inmediately went to complain to the hotel reception, but they don't know what to do.

I'm not expecting them to buy me cakes or stuff like that.  But things should not disappear from my locked bedroom.  I'm pissed!

I wonder, perhaps in the local culture it's perfectly okay to help yourself to other people's cakes because they're doing the favor of cleaning up the room?  This is not right.  If they ask me, I can give them; but they shouldn't just take one when no one's looking.

Giantic hamburger

Last night I went for dinner at a MacDonald's near the hotel.  They had a new sandwich, I'm not sure it's a seasonal thing or what, that is like a Big Mac, but with two patties of meat in each layer, four in total.  It also had one slice of cheese.  It was so big I could hardly open up my mouth big enough to take a bite into it.  It tasted better than the regular Big Mac, but still doesn't beat Burger King's Whooper.  IMHO.

laupäev, juuni 17, 2006

Can't resist the temptation of Burger King

Gee, last night I was up till way too late, and as a result of that I ended up skipping lunch today as I had fallen asleep again by lunch time.  Then I went out to an upscale supermarket to buy some nicely packaged dried fruits that I want to take as a gift for a friend I may meet next week.  Man, I saw so many wonders in that supermarket.  I had planned to simply not eat anything until dinner time, but seeing all those fabulous things broke my power of will.  After I found my dried fruits, I ran to the nearest Burger King and had a Whopper.  That was at about 16:00.  Then at the convenience store nearest to my home I bought one big box of luscious chocolate ice cream.

Now it's the real dinner time, but I'm not all that hungry.  I think in a little while perhaps I'm gonna open that box of ice cream.

Moronic phishers

Since two weeks ago I guess, there's somebody who's been sending me spam in the name of HSBC from the UK.  I think that guy must be really especially stupid.  Who in the world would fall for his moronic messages?  This is what he's been sending to me:  All of his messages claim to be from HSBC, and tell me that either my money transfer order has some problems or that I need to update my personal data with them.

What bank in this freaking world is going to bombard their customers like this?  And what's more strange:  In the To field of the e-mail, I can see not just my own e-mail address, but about 10 more.  Again, what bank in this freaking world is going to send e-mails like this?

That criminal should be castrated to ensure he doesn't produce more idiots like himself.

kolmapäev, juuni 14, 2006

Differences Between Men and Women

Differences Between Men and Women

This is sooo true!!!

Iraqi PM given five minutes' notice of Bush's flying visit

Independent Online

Please read this article from a British newspaper and try to imagine: Instead of Bush doing this to Iraq's Prime Minister, how about Chinese president Hu doing that to Tony Blair in London? Or Mexican president Fox doing that to Bush in Washington?

Does that make sense? Could that ever happen? Hey Dubya, come over to join the teleconference at the Capitol; and when he arrives, poof! Actually it's a surprise meeting with Vicente Fox who has sneaked into US airspace for a surprise meeting with Bush.

How's that for Iraqi sovereignity? I think this looks more like a puppet show.

teisipäev, juuni 13, 2006

Please Make This Work!

Please Make This Work!

I thought I'd help this guy get his threesome by writing a program that calls his website over and over, but it looks like somebody else has already done it. It's amazing how fast the visitors counter is ticking. This can't be just from human visitors since his website is so shitty.

The guy claims that if he's successful he'll post some pictures. I wonder if he's talking about pictures of the threesome or what.

National holiday at home

Today I spent the whole day at home.  I only went out a few minutes to buy drinking water.  Today I fasted too, but not quite Ramadan style, as I had breakfast well after runrise, had supper before sunset, and drank a lot of water in between.  I've done this three days in a row already.  I wonder how many calories I saved this way?  Oh, I should note that supper wasn't particularly big, just the same serving size I would've had if I had eaten lunch anyway.

I really hate this weather.  That's why I stay home.  If I stay home I save sweat and money.

I'm surprised at the cockroaches from here.  In my home country cockroaches only come out when it's dark; meaning not just night, but when everybody's gone to bed and the room is dark.  Here they come out at night, but even when the room's lights are on.  That's why lately I feel a bit uncomfortable about leaving the balcony door open while I watch TV at night.  Even if the lights are on, every once in a while they'll come inside.  And fuck, these cockroaches like to fly.  I hate them.  Fortunately I always have at hand a powerful insectiside spray, and so far none has ran away.  All of them are dead a few seconds after being sprayed.

Ann Coulter the hatemonger

Today I was watching Larry King Live on CNN and they were talking about somethings Ann Coulter wrote in her latest book referring to the widows of 9/11; which in my humble opinion is really disgraceful.  I really didn't know much about her; I could recognize her from pictures, and I also know she's a conservative writer.  But after listening to the whole program and then going to read about her in Wikipedia, I've come to the conclusion she must be out of her mind.  She's a true hatemonger.  And what a shame that people make her wealthy by inviting her to give speeches and buying her books.

In Larry King Live's program they interviewed several people, including two conservative guys.  One of the conservatives was a fundraiser, and the other one I don't remember.  At the very end of the program the one who's not the fundraiser said that he doesn't believe Ann wrote and said all of those outrageous things just for the money.  With this, everybody in the program, even the conservative fundraiser started to laugh, and laugh hard!  I heard and saw them laugh.  Of course, this brings down in a flash the credibility of anything this guy might've been saying during the whole one hour Larry King Live.

esmaspäev, juuni 12, 2006

Guantanamo suicides a 'PR move'


What a shame America. So these poor guys who aren't condemned for anything and isolated from the outside world took their lives as a PR tactic? Colleen, I think your words are insane. I wonder if you'd think the same way if it were yourself the one who's there and not those "extremists" as you guys like to brand them. Tell me Guantanamo is not extreme.

If nothing wrong or illegal or questionable is going on there, why take the trouble of placing these prisoners in a land where they don't have access to US courts?

pühapäev, juuni 11, 2006

I miss American food

Man, how I miss American food.  You may be wondering what is American food.  Actually what I have in mind is the food we used to eat with my brother at one of so many restaurants near the office.  A lot of meat, a lot of potatoes.  Good cheese.  Enormous seafood servings.  I also miss the Lasagna, both the ones served in restaurants and the ones you can buy frozen and then you just reheat in your own oven.  Also, here I haven't seen one of those cheap Chinese buffets.  Man I miss that a lot.

This is a really long weekend.  Outside is fucking muggy and I hate it, so I try to avoid going out at all.  Today and two days ago I simply skipped lunch.  It's good for saving money and cutting the calorie intake.  For supper I think I'll make some fried fish served with melting butter and lemon, with green peas and white rice as side dishes.

United 93


I'm disappointed at this film and I didn't even watch it! Two or three days ago I was watching CNN, and they interviewed two guys in relation to this film, one of them being the actor who played the role of one of the terrorists.

First they said that there were too little phone calls to really faithfully reconstruct what happened inside the airplane, so most of what you see in this film (dialogues and such) "were improvised". Yes, I repeat: the actor said during the CNN interview that the director simply asked the actors to get into the mood and improvise what they would've done had they been there themselves.

Second, they said that in the film all passengers except for one agree that they must try to stop the terrorists. In the film the only passenger who disagrees with trying to fight the terrorists is German. What the fuck, and then these two guys being interviewed say that actually, from the phone calls there's nothing to suggest that one, two, or any number of passengers were opposed to fighting the terrorists, much less the German specifically being this wimp.

So in short, this film sadly simply portrays what people on the ground "would like to believe" happened between the brave Americans, the coward German, and the bad guys the Muslims. But from the words of one of the actors, there's little hard evidence this is what really happened inside.

Now why am I including here a link to IMDB? Because I looked up their database for information about this film, and was surprised to find thousands of people have in average given it very good ratings. 7.8/10 is much better than most films I look up every once in a while.

laupäev, juuni 10, 2006

Perfect timing clearance sale

Lately I'm short of money, and the shoes I wear for work are really in such a state that I'm kind of embarrased to take them off in front of other people.  When I know I'm going to be alone at the office, I go wearing sandals instead, so I won't wear out even more my shoes.  But these sandals' soles are also almost completely gone from so much use.

A couple of days ago I thought I wouldn't be alone at the office, so I went wearing shoes.  After all I ended up alone, so I shouldn't have worn them.  What's worse, by the time I wanted to go home it started to rain a lot, so I stayed a bit longer at the office waiting for the rain to stop.  About one hour later, the rain stopped, only to start again, and just as hard, as soon as I left the office.

By the time I got home, my feet were soaked, really soaked.  The sole of the left shoe was cracked open, and the ankles of both shoes were also broken.  I don't think I can wear these shoes to the office or somebody's house and still leave a decent impression.

So today Saturday I went out looking for a new pair of shoes.  I thought I'd go to some department store.  In order to go there, I'd usually have to take a bus to the nearest train station and then a short ride on the train.  Since today I had a lot of spare time, I thought I'd walk to the station instead and save a little money.  On my way to the station I was thinking what to do if I can't find nice and cheap shoes there, I wish there were shoe stores nearby... and then before I get to the station, I bumped to a shoe store, rather big, and what's most important:  It had a sign that says Clearance Sale 50% - 80% off!!!

So there I found and bought a decent pair of shoes (60% off) and a pair of sandals (50% off), not as nice as the ones I brought from abroad, but better than the oldies I had, and I didn't even need to spend on transportation.

reede, juuni 09, 2006

Change Artists

A CEO / CIO Conversation with McKesson. Live on June 19

First, I must point I have never met these guys, nor never read about these guys, nor seen an interview with these guys, ever. All I know from these guys is what I can see in the HP commercial they play in CNN.

I find these two guys kind of disgusting. I see these guys acting kind of cool, with the "Yeah, I've got everything under control" attitude, and it reminds me of the ignorant managers I used to have before I quit my previous job.

It pisses me off that no matter how badly their company's stock plunge, or how many small fish they fire, these guys will still get their millionaire bonuses. Only normal people have their salaries and other compensations somehow tied to performance, but these kinds of guys no. Doesn't make sense to me.

Dilbert Comic Strip Archive

This is hilarious! I've met so many bitches like this who find hidden meanings where there ain't none. They make themselves and people around them unhappy for no good reason. Why can't we just have peace? Why make problems when we don't need any of that?

teisipäev, juuni 06, 2006

IMHO Knoppix is...


When I discovered this Linux distribution I was really impressed and very glad to be able to use something like this without actually installing it into my hard disk. At that time Knoppix 3.9 was the latest, and it worked very well. It even worked fine with my laptop computer's built-in wireless adaptor.

When Knoppix 4.0 came out, this also worked good, except that it would refuse to work with my built-in wireless. This was a real bummer, but for the way I wanted to use it didn't really matter a lot.

Now last week Knoppix 5.0 was released, and this one is really disappointing. I've tried it in three computers, and it won't even boot in two of them, my laptop included. In the two where it doesn't work, I get some sort of "Kernel panic" error and then nothing else happens.

I just couldn't believe that it wouldn't even boot. I thought perhaps the CD burning process itself was flawed so I put a UPS to make the electricity nice and also made the burning software double check the contents before and after writing on to the CD. What a pitty.

Maybe next time I should look elsewhere, perhaps SLAX?

laupäev, juuni 03, 2006

Us guys, we're nice guys!

Here I've met several local people who tell me stuff like "Oh, we're very tolerant", "We don't discriminate by people's race or religion", etc.  In short, "We're very nice guys".  But yesterday I saw something that was rather shocking:

Yesterday I had to take a day trip by bus to a town that's about five hours away from here.  I took the bus from it's initial till the final stop.  At the very beginning there were many empty seats, so most of the passengers took two seats for themselves like in a half-full airplane.  As we went on our way to this shitty town, the bus was picking more and more passengers, and of course, they'd take a seat.  Then we came to a point when the bus was full of passengers, some were even travelling standing... all of the seats were occupied... except for the one next to the black guy.  I couldn't believe it.  I saw many people who preferred to travel standing rather than take a seat next to a black guy.  This black guy also travelled from the first till the final stop, and when we got off the bus I got a better glimpse of him.  There was nothing wrong with him, he was very decently dressed --even better than I was I should point--, without looking like a pimp.  What's wrong with all those morons?

Unrelated to this incident, on my way back I saw there was a passenger girl in our bus who was fucking ugly.  Ugly like a nightmare.  She spent a lot of time talking on her mobile inside the bus, which was very annoying.  I don't think she was a local because I couldn't understand one single word of what she said.  But I did notice that she had perfect teeth.  Maybe in her country they don't have cotton candy and shit like that?  Yeah, she must've been raised with pure raw veggies and and freshly killed game.