kolmapäev, detsember 22, 2004

I hate mosquitos!

Fuck, I went to buy mosquito coils, and now I see in the Internet several articles saying that these things contain carcirogens! Depending exactly what chemical you're analyzing, these things may be up to 137 times as poisonous as a regular cigarette!

Exactly what is the raison d'etre of the mosquitos? What's their evolutionary role in our world? They should be extinguished, and the same goes for cockroaches!

I hate mosquitos!

Fuck, I went to buy mosquito coils, and now I see in the Internet several articles saying that these things contain carcirogens! Depending exactly what chemical you're analyzing, these things may be up to 137 times as poisonous as a regular cigarette!

Exactly what is the raison d'etre of the mosquitos? What's their evolutionary role in our world? They should be extinguished, and the same goes for cockroaches!

Blast at U.S. Mess Tent in Iraq Kills 22

ABC News

Heeey! Just in time for Rumsfeld to practice his much anticipated handwritten (as opposed to machine written) signature on the death notifications that they send to the soldiers' families!

Sorry guys, but obviously you're not welcome in Iraq. I wonder what happened to all those flowers and music that you were supposed to find when you helped yourself to Iraqi territory.

Dead Marine's kin plead for e-mail


Gosh, I hope Yahoo! doesn't set a precedent by giving away the dead guy's password and letting other people read his private e-mail! That's not right! Private e-mail is private! If it were meant for the parents to share it with the dead marine, then they should've created another e-mail account where the parents and the marine knowingly share the password!

Ummm, I think that dad doesn't know what he's talking about.

pühapäev, detsember 19, 2004

Test your popup blocker


Hurray for Firefox! Out of 16 pop up blocker tests, 14 worked! Who needs IE? Actually, I use need to IE once a month because once a month I run the online virus check from some anti-virus maker. Their online virus check only works with IE because it uses ActiveX. But other than that, I don't need IE!

kolmapäev, detsember 15, 2004

Wife regrets man's huge lottery win

CNN.com article

Amazing. I'm sorry for these guys, they won so much money, but perhaps they were not educated enough to know how to use it wisely. They should've given it to me!

Millau Viaduct, Southern France

This is a computer graphic, but you'll get the picture

How beautiful!!! Funny, I heard on TV that this is the pride of France. Dude, this was designed by a Brit!

esmaspäev, detsember 13, 2004

Rumsfeld under fire for 'hilllbilly armour' used to defend army

The Independent

Go Donny go! So what were you saying? "It's a matter of physics, not money."? Or was it "You go to war with the army you have, not the army you might want."?

U.S. soldier sentenced to three years for killling Iraqi teen

Quad-City Times Newspaper

Dude, Americans who kill other Americans in American soil, can go to prison for life, or even put to death! Now this American who went as an agressor to Iraq, killed an Iraqi in Iraq, and he only got three years?

Give me a break!

reede, detsember 10, 2004

Opps! She did it again!

Britney 'stinks'

Actually, I don't know if this is 'again' or not. I'll give her the benefit of doubt and make believe this is her first time. But hey, you can't tell me she's not tacky, huh! Beautiful yeah, but quite tacky nonetheless.

Alameda Times-Star Online - Op-Ed

My moral values are way better than yours


esmaspäev, detsember 06, 2004


Sorr, just a while ago I forgot the link!


I wonder if this is true. Huh. I report, you decide!

reede, detsember 03, 2004

Ananova - Hotel offers �5,000 cocktail

Hotel offers �5,000 cocktail

This is ridiculous. How many million people in the world have to live with one dollar a day, and these guys hope for somebody who will pay 5,000 pounds for one cocktail? Disgusting.

Suitcase stolen with girl, 3, inside

Suitcase stolen with girl, 3, inside

I don't know what to call this story. Is it heartwarming or what?