teisipäev, november 30, 2004

Gamers to kill for real?

Gamers to kill for real?

This is so sick. Makes me want to puke.

kolmapäev, november 24, 2004

Skipping excersise is really good for me?

Hey, I thought physical excersise was good for everybody. Tonight I
was going to swim, but a few minutes before I'm going to start getting
ready for that, I hear in the TV that they're saying I shouldn't do
excersise three hours before going to bed?

Okay, so what should I do as a consolation for my disappointment? Ah,
yeah! I know, I'll go get myself a huge chocolate ice cream!

esmaspäev, november 22, 2004

These are just the 1217 American guys who have "fallen"

washingtonpost.com: Faces of the Fallen

This is a shame. Bush & Co. should take a look at this website every morning and be reminded of the innocent victims of their crusade... and to make it real fair, the Washington Post should create a similar website, but with the pictures of the estimated 100,000 Iraqi civilians who have died in the name of American freedom.

pühapäev, november 21, 2004

The Stanford Prison Experiment

The Stanford Prison Experiment: A Simulation Study of the Psychology of Imprisonment

This is a very interesting article. Please read it if you have some 20 minutes to spare. It's about the way prisons change people (everyone involved, including the guards).

This was just an experiment in California that was supposed to last for two weeks, but was so intense that had to be stopped on the sixth day. Go figure, it says that the guys playing the prisoner roles were happy is was over sooner, but most of the guys playing the guard roles, were not.

It makes me sick to think of the poor guys at Abu Ghraib, most of whom are apparently innocent.

laupäev, november 20, 2004

A week of deprivation...

Uhhh, one week with no ice cream in the name of a good waist line...
one more week with no smoking in the name of health. Sometimes I ask
myself why? Why do I want to live longer if I ain't got a lot going
for? Who wants to live long but bored? Isn't it better short but
thrilled? I don't know yet. Maybe I'm too young to know that.

Mozilla Update :: Extensions -- Homeland Security Threat Level

Mozilla Update :: Extensions -- More Info: Homeland Security Threat Level

What the fuck? I thought I'd spend my Saturday morning embellishing my Firefox with some useful extensions... and when I go through the whole list of available extensions, I run into this piece of crap!

I can't believe people are using their computer talents to spread paranoia. The guy who wrote this and the commentators who praise this shit should all be sent to Guantanamo!

pühapäev, november 07, 2004

Club977.com Rocks!

I found this Internet radio station from Minneapolis, and it's sooo
coooool! It specializes in music from the 80's. I don't understand
though, right now they're playing some sort of ranking of oldies. I
mean, how do they compile that? They're mixing songs from different
years and creating "this week's ranking". Beats me.

laupäev, november 06, 2004

Back on track!

Oh man! All this time I thought there was something wrong with my blog. Each time I tried to open it, I was redirected to some "Sparclinux" website. I thought somebody must be hijacking my blog or something.

Until today that I took the trouble of doing a search in Google, and indeed, there was a problem with my template. I was including some code to make it accept comments, and that was the cause.

Alleluyah! Now I can express my dissatisfaction with Bush again, rather than just keeping it to my closest 1000 friends.