neljapäev, märts 29, 2007

New mobile phone

Until very recently I used to use a very basic mobile phone.  It could be used only for talking and doing SMS.  That's really all I needed, and I'd been using it for about two years or a bit longer.  But recently I've been hooked on podcasts and when that mobile started to misbehave, I saw the opportunity to buy a new mobile, but this time with a built-in MP3 player.

The idea is that I would be listening to podcasts on my way to work.  I like especially Skepticality and Skeptics' Guide to the Universe.  I put the earpieces on right before leaving home, and adjust the volume to something that I consider to be loud and clear.  But man, when I'm walking next to the road, the cars and motorcycles are so noisy that I can barely understand what the guys in the podcast are saying.  I hadn't noticed how loud the street is, it's much louder than a stereo in high volume.  That's not good.

laupäev, märts 10, 2007

Nice surprise

Well, instead of just bitching I guess I should also mention one very nice surprise I had tonight.  It was this dish I made tonight... I've made many times before, but tonight it was much better than usual.  It's my local version of the Buffalo Wings I like very much.  Tonight the result was much closer to the original, except for the lack of bones, which of course is a plus!

What I did different tonight is coat the chicken in flour twice.  The first time was a couple of hours before supper, put as much flour (plus the condiments) as the meat will hold.  Then let it stand in the fridge until shortly before frying time.  Then at dinner time, while I'm heating the oil, add some more flour again (only flour this time); as much as the meat will hold.  This way although it's brownish outside, inside it's juicy.

Then the butter coating instead of being plain melted butter, it's melted butter with plenty of oregano!  Ummm, absolutely yummy!

Transporter 2

One or two years ago I wanted to go to the movie theater to watch "Transporter 2".  I wasn't sure what was it about, but the trailer looked interesting.  But somehow I didn't find the time and didn't get to see it then.

Tonight they played it on cable and I watched it from the very beginning till the very end.  I'm glad I didn't spend my money on this piece of crap.  Yeah, the action scenes were good, but too many over the top effects.  Totally unbelievable.  It's certainly not worth the trouble of going in person to the theater and spending your pocket money on this.

kolmapäev, märts 07, 2007

Sandwich artists

I remember that a long time ago the kids working at the local Subway outlets would wear name tags with the title "Sandwich Artist".  Zoom ten years later and a few thousand miles... today I had lunch at another Subway restaurant.  Everything looks pretty much the same, but the way local "artists" assembled my sandwich today really was something.  It still tasted good, but I think now they're not artisans anymore.  Ha!  Like my grandma used to say:  once the food is in your stomach, it gets all mixed up anyway.