reede, detsember 26, 2003

Yesterday I saw in the BBC a report about the mothers of the US soldiers deployed in Iraq.

I was stunned to hear one of the moms saying that her son had gone to war so that "we" could be free.

With people as stupid as this, it's no wonder that Bush would be elected president.

I mean, what does Iraq have to do with freedom in America? That guy Saddam was a tyrant and a brat yes, but a threat to America? Oh, come on!

"War on terror! War on terror! Weapons of mass destruction!"

Yeah right. Even Bush had to admit when asked straightforwardly if his government had any evidence whatsoever of links between 9/11 and Iraq. He said they have no proof nor evidence. And what about the weapons? Oh, "evidence of wmd programs"... ahhh, I see.

Fast-food chains try to reassure consumers about beef

Huh, it bugs me what I read in this article.

Supposedly highly educated people apparently believe that that mad cow case recently discovered in Washington state can possibly be an isolated case?

Isolated in the small sample they take, yes. But it can't be an isolated case in the whole population. Like I said before, that cow didn't eat all by herself the whole production lot of contaminated food that made her sick.

Come on, just use common sense. The other cows in the same herd that ate from the same feeders the same day are probably infected too, but went undetected. In Japan, where they test so many more cows than in the States, they have found that even cows that look healthy carry the decease.

neljapäev, detsember 25, 2003

Princess Anne's terrier kills Queen Elizabeth II's corgi

Poor lady. I love dogs too, so I sympathize with her. This is really a tragedy.

kolmapäev, detsember 24, 2003

Q&A: Meat supply is considered safe

"Isolated" case? So that cow in Canada became infected from thin air? Bullshit.

And the cow in Washington? How did it get infected? Don't tell me this infected cow ate all by herself another contaminated cow, and that none of her companions in the same ranch took a bite from the same infected food supply?

esmaspäev, detsember 22, 2003

Bin Laden says U.S. war a crusade

I'm not a Muslim, and I think all those things that happened on Sept. 11th, 2001 are a crime.

That said, I wouldn't be surprised that a lot of muslim people agree with this statement supposedly made by Bin Laden.

The US and Britain went to war against Iraq, they say, due to some weapons of mass destruction that nobody has been able to find, even if the Americans go in person to check everywhere they please. Then they insist that Iran also opens up its nuclear facilities. Then they kind of congratulate themselves when Libya "regains common sense" and gives up its wmd program as well.

Okay, so now... is Israel also going to be pressed by the US to give up its weapons of mass destruction?

If the answer to this question is no, then obviously there's something fishy here.

reede, detsember 19, 2003

The Weapons: Head of Iraqi Arms Search May Be Ready to Step Down

I'm confused. Just a couple of weeks ago I saw this guy Mr. Kay in a special BBC program talking very sure about finding those horrendous weapons of mass destruction, those that were the justification for going to war and deposing a foreign govermnet.

Now he's going to retire early without having found any real weapons, only "evidence of weapons of mass destruction programs"? And all because it's "taking much longer than he had initially expected, putting a strain on his family"?

What about all the lost lives this war caused? They don't bring any strain on the families of the war dead? Isn't this just going to make their strain a useless strain? Strain for what? For evidence of weapons programs?

This is shameful.

neljapäev, detsember 18, 2003

White House Memo: Remember ’Weapons of Mass Destruction’? For Bush, They Are a Nonissue

If Saddam didn't have any proven links to Al Qaeda, neither any dreadful weapon of mass destruction... how does his arrest make "America a more secure country"?

Beats me.

America is a wonderful place, but Bush is doing a magnificent job tarnishing it's image. How sad.

I'm quite surprised and pleased, I should say, that my brother did meet this guy as he said he would and talked to him about his strategy for helping me join him in the company. Since he's very busy, and it has happened so many times before, I thought he'd just leave talking to that guy until he comes back from his trip overseas. But no, he did it.

I'd been waiting for him so we can start developing our projects for such a long time. I'm always ready, and he's not. I thought this would be another let down, but not! He even mentioned to that guy the amount of money involved, and surprise surprise, it matches what he'd told me! No more telling me wonderful stories that either never happen or when they happen they're just a fraction as good as discussed.

Wow! How fantastic, one hundred years of human flight!

Isn't it amazing that it all started one hundred years ago with a 12 second flight that wasn't long enough even to cross a schoolyard? Now a days it's possible to fly daily non-stop from Dubai to Sydney, and soon it'll be possible too to fly non-stop from Singapore to New York! I love both cities!

kolmapäev, detsember 17, 2003

Saddam Is Ours. Does Al Qaeda Care?

Huh, finally one American with brains.

Yeah, while the Bush administration tries to shroud the truth that the war against Iraq doesn't have anything to do with what happened on Sept. 11th 2001, and spends its limited resources in ousting a foreign government that is no danger to the Americans... the real bad guys, the ones who smashed airplanes against their beautiful buildings are still running free and quite possibly planning for more of those crimes.

I wish people in the States didn't watch so much Fox News. Fox entertainment programs are very fun, but Fox News Channel just makes you stupid!

U.S. tries to trip up Saddam

Saddam was a bad guy and should face justice? I certainly think so. But I'm just a private citizen and I base my opinions on news that I see on TV filtered by who knows who.

It kind of bothers me that Bush, "the leader of the free world", already passed judgement on Saddam by saying that he deserves "the ultimate penalty". I think it'd be a lot more appropriate if he just said that he deserves to face international justice or something like that.

Oh, and this reminds me when Bush replied not so long ago to some reporter that freedom is beautiful, that he loves freedom... Then I wonder what did he think of his own government's policies on steel imports and subsidies to the farmers?

Yeah, the man sure loves freedom... but only when it's the kind of freedom that helps him win more votes, huh?

Lord proposes burying UK's nuclear waste in Sahara

It's amazing how come such a powerful and "well educated" country as England can be led by such a bunch of ignorants. To those guys who propose sending their own radioactive waste to other people's countries, I suggest: build a cellar beneath the parking lot of your kid's school and store your waste there like a good wine.

esmaspäev, detsember 15, 2003

Fuck, I'm sick of this lady in the office doing this all the time: When she places a phone call somewhere and they make her wait with that tacky music they use to hold phone calls, she turns her phone into speakerphone mode instead of keeping it to herself.

Why does the whole office have to suffer from those horrendous and repetitive tunes? Can't she keep it to herself? Is the receiver too heavy to hold it against her ear?

Okay, great! Saddam has been captured and he's going to be tried for his crimes. Apparently, he's going to be tried in Iraq by Iraqis for all his atrocities. Yeah, he was a bad guy.

Now, how does that make America safer? Does the purpose of his capture and trial justify the toppling of a foreign government even when those guys didn't represent any danger to the US? Where are those dreadful weapons of mass destruction that were so scary and an unacceptable a risk to the American lifestyle?

If the Americans want to play being the nice guys intending to spread freedom and justice all over the world by ousting governments that oppress their citizens and endanger their neighbors, Israel should be next in line. After all, the Israeli government complies with all of the following, right?

Repeatedly ignores UN resolutions.
Oppresses and causes terror to the Palestinian population.
Occupies foreign land.
possesses weapons of mass destruction.
Causes instability in the whole region.

Maybe I'm just day-dreaming. Bush seeing the light and seeking justice for occupied Palestine? Ha! Maybe we can have a Disney movie about that.

And what about North Korea? Nay, they don't have oil.
And what about the poor Tibetans? And the Chechens?

Like the Americans like to say: "God Bless America!"
It bugs me each time I see one of those bumper stickers. They kind of imply "God bless the good Christian Americans and to hell with those Muslim barbarians.". How deeply ignorant... And it's coming from the country with many of the best universities in the world!

reede, detsember 12, 2003 : Pentagon: Halliburton Overcharged Millions

... well, that's the whole purpose of getting a contract without a bidding process, isn't it? The bidding is to weed out the unjustified extra charges. If you do without the bidding, you're basically giving a green light to all these sneaky tricks.

Hey, but who cares? As long as it favors in anyway Bush or any of his close buddies, it's okay to forgive and forget.

neljapäev, detsember 11, 2003

Diplomacy: Bush Seeks Help of Allies Barred From Iraq Deals

Huh, These guys really have got a nerve... But I'm not surprised at the existence of a policy like this one. This whole war thing is after all only about money/oil, right? If it were truly about human rights and stuff like that, then how could we explain that nothing is done with North Korea nor Israel?

I think the Canadians should pull out altogether of this circus. First they oppose an unjustified war, then they volunteer money to repair something they didn't break, and now they're barred from the reconstruction contracts? In which planet does this kind of logic make sense?

esmaspäev, detsember 08, 2003

If George W is part of the story, I'm not surprised...

Bush's turkey for Iraq troops was fake