esmaspäev, mai 31, 2004

This one fortunately available only in MTV Indonesia

Another tacky from MTV, but fortunately this is confined to Indonesia!

At least, that's what I believe. My apartment building has some free
satellite TV channels, among them MTV Indonesia -I don't know why.

There's in this channel a series of commercials for what I believe to
be SIM cards for mobile phones. All of these commercials begin with a
calm scene with people doing something quiet, like tourists posing for
a picture, or a couple about to kiss in the fields, or a school
classroom... then suddenly a Chinese guy joins the scene yelling
hysterically something. I don't know what he's saying cause it's in
Indonesian. But I find this series very annoying. He manages to grab
my attention, YES, but he also leaves me disgusted at the yelling.

Tacky MTV...

What a shallow program I ended up watching!

It was just a while ago, but I already forgot the title. That's how
worthless it was.

It was one of those dating programs where they try to hook up total
strangers. In the one MTV showed a while ago, it's one girl with
three guys. Before the girl gets to meet the guys to pick just one,
she goes to visit their homes to check their lifestyles (how orderly,
how clean, choice of clothing, etc.).

In order to make her desicion totally based on impressions from the
house, the guys are not only absent from their houses, but all their
photographs have been removed. Okay, that's fine.

What I didn't like was the girl digging into the trash cans of the
guys! She went equipped with thongs and rubber gloves to get the job
done. Isn't that going a bit too far? And another tacky one was she
was inspecting the guys' bedsheets with some special light (either
ultraviolet or simply 'black light'), in search of yucky spots! Very

When she was done with the three houses -the guys were watching their
houses' inspection on cctv, by the way-, the three guys went together
into the girl's house, and did just the same to her. And when they
shined the special light on the girl's bedsheets... woa! Those
stains! What are those?

At the end of the program, when the girl had to chose only one guy but
based solely on the lifestyle she imagined from inspecting the house,
she got to meet the three guys for the first time. At this point she
didn't know yet who lived in which house. She started by trying to be
polite by saying what she'd liked about each house:

House #1: I saw in your closet and found your marine uniform. I like
the fact that you served our country.

House #2: I see that you have a lot of money. In fact, I even found
a lot of cash inside your house, which is a good thing because I like
to be pampered.

House #3: I like the fact that you're very orderly and neat. We even
use the same design of bedsheets!

At the end... she picked the guy with "a lot of money"!!!

Well, it's America... perhaps I shouldn't be surprised.

pühapäev, mai 30, 2004

Scant Evidence Cited in Long Detention of Iraqis

Huh, there goes your "rule of law", brought to you by courtesy of the American taxpayers!

Cheated even by the milk guys...

Why the fuck can't these guys just tell the naked truth?

This week I bought a 1/2 gallon bottle of milk that was supposed to be
good until next Wednesday. Today, Sunday morning, the milk is already

And this is not milk I bought at a street market. I bought it at
Tesco! It was milk processed by the country's largest agricultural
company. It was labeled by machine to be good until June 2nd!


laupäev, mai 29, 2004

Relax... don't do it!

I'm still completely mad at the phone line incident. But while typing
that blog entry, I saw in the TV they were playing Haddaway's "What is
love". What a nice song! I really love that song. It's very
stylish. Too bad that guy had only one good song.

It reminded me of "Frankie Goes to Hollywood" and their song "Relax".
That's another good one. It's funny cause about one year ago I was in
a girlfriend's house, and we were having a little, very little dance
party in her kitchen. Her music selection was fabulous, and at one
point started to play "Relax".

At that time I found it a bit embarassing the way she was dancing
cause her mother was around watching us dance. Her dance steps
included squatting, you know like a "woman on top" sex position. That
was enough to make be a bit shy with her mother.

Now imagine a couple of months later when I found out some more
interesting trivia about this group and song!

Frankie Goes To Hollywood is (or was, I don't know) a gay group... and
their hit song "Relax", which in part goes like "relax, don't do it
when you wanna come!", is about not coming too soon during sex! The
singer is asking to prolong the sex session! And my friend was
dancing in a squatting position!

Imagine dancing that with an older girl in front of her mother! Oh
gosh, I hope her mother didn't understand what the song was about!
Neither of them seemed bothered at all though.

My phone line... tapped!!!

What a mother fucker neighbor!

I moved to this apartment building in early April, and got my direct
phone line perhaps two weeks later. All apartments in this building
come with two telephone sockets. One is for the internal phone
system, and the other is for people who want to have a direct
telephone line.

Yesterday I got a phone call from a friend, and as soon as I started
talking to him "Hello, how are you?" and so on, a third voice joined
the conversation! It was a local girl talking in the local language.
I stopped talking, while my friend exchanged some words with her. He
found out she lives in my same building. No idea who she was.

As soon as the phone call was over, I went downstairs to complain to
the building's management. The manager couldn't believe it, but when
she dialed my number sure enough, that girl answered again. This time
the manager was able to discover that the girl is actually my next
door neighbor! But how come? She doesn't even own a direct line!

The manager and me went together to the second floor to see a
technician and the building's switchboard. The technician appeared to
do some tests, and after a few seconds said "Oh, bad contact!".
("Yeah, right" I thought). and after a while pulled out from the
switchboard a couple of short twisted cables. Supposedly, this solved
the problem.

Now, the manager is not an engineer, so perhaps she doesn't find this
cheesy. This is not such an old building, just 10 years old. That
switchboard shouldn't have "bad contacts". If my neighbor hasn't in
person contracted a direct phone line, how could she possibly
innocently come up with the idea, soon after I moved in, to try and
plug a telephone to the telephone socket in her room that is supposed
to be dead?

Now I understand why sometimes I get several wrong number calls in a
row from the same caller. It's not a wrong call, they're trying to
get in touch with my neighbor!

Also, this explains how come some times I have a good Internet
connection for several hours... while other times I lose the
connection three times in one hour! She's picking up the receiver in
her room and this is disturbing my computer connection!

Mother fucker!

I wonder what did it take her to get that line tapped. One blowjob?
Or was it anal?

reede, mai 28, 2004

New hardware for me!

Well well, now for a change something that doesn't have to do with news...

Finally it seems that I'll be involved in doing something meaningful!
I got in touch with some guys who are still in the very very early
phase of their project. They want to propose to some investors the
construction of some big buildings, and I'll be supporting them with
the computer stuff!

So yesterday I went to buy a mouse for my humble laptop computer. Not
that this laptop came without a pointing device, but since I'll be
making some graphics for the proposal documents, I thought it'd be
more efficient this way.

And since if everything goes fine, everything will really be fine, I
decided to go for a fancy optical and wireless mouse! Yeah, I like
gadgets! When I went into this shopping center, I had in mind buying
the Logitec mouse (optical and wireless) for laptop computers I had
seen sometime ago. I like it because the USB receiver is really tiny
(no cables), and it comes with a pouch, which would be very nice to
carry around.

Unfortunately, when I found it yesterday, it was much more expensive
than I remembered. So I bought another one, from a brand called
"A4Tech", which I'd never heard before. The mouse itself is big (not
tiny for laptops), and the USB receiver has a cable! Why did I choose
it? First, I thought that perhaps such a small mouse wouldn't be
comfortable to use for a long time... and second because the receiver
is also a battery recharger! So while I'm using one set of batteries
inside the wireless mouse, another set is being recharged by the
receiver! Isn't that neat?

I love that idea, especially because I don't think in this country
they have facilities to dispose of batteries safely. So if I can
reduce the number of batteries that go to the dump, that's very nice.
I read somewhere that if you throw away a battery in the woods or a
park, it'll poison one square meter. Maybe I'm wrong with the number,
but even if it's one square foot, I think it's well worth.

But, I'm puzzled at the mouse driver that came with it! It doesn't do
all that's described in the documentation! The only function that
bugs me is missing is the battery gauge... even if I went to the
manufacturer's website and downloaded the latest version of the device

Still, I'm pretty happy with it.

neljapäev, mai 27, 2004

Bank robber asks cashier for lift to getaway car

If this incident happened in the US, then I'm not surprised.

Mother falls for fake son

Gullible like this, only in Japan!

kolmapäev, mai 26, 2004

A Gaping Hole

Huh, I'm surprised at this article.

The dude who wrote it is obviously un-American, un-patriotic, soft-on-terror, etc. I bet he eats "French Fries", rather than "Freedom Fries". Maybe he's from Canada! Perhaps that's why this article seems so lucid!

esmaspäev, mai 24, 2004

Another one from "ABC - Asia Pacific", the Australian TV channel. The other day I was wathing a dance contest. There were four couples who had to dance at the same time on the same dance floor. They played salsa, cha cha, hip hop, and so on.

None of them were professionals, so I've really seen better than that. But what was funny is that one of the couples was a gay couple! They were both dressed as men (no cross-dressing), and at one point the commentator, trying to say something -anything at all- positive about those guys, mentioned that she liked their movements because it showed their masculine energy!

It's funny I'm watching this Australian cooking program... the presenter is a lady who looks East Asian and speaks with Australian accent. I've never seen this combination before, and I find it kind of amusing.

The guy who's actually doing the cooking is some guy from Pakistan, and he's fixing something from his country while the lady asks questions and helps by passing and pouring ingredients.

At times (many times) the lady is surprised not just at the variety of spices, but at the amount of each of them that the guy uses! She hands little dishes with spices and asks how much of it to put into the pot, getting ready with one teaspoonful. And then the guy makes her to just turn over the whole dish on his pot!

pühapäev, mai 23, 2004

Mitsubishi gets $4 billion bailout

What Mitsubishi Motors has been doing in the last few years is a disgrace, and doesn't have excuse: Ignore blatant quality problems that result even in human deaths, and then throwing the blame on the customer for "poor maintenance"? What kind of respectable company tell this kinds of lies to their own customers, their source of income?

Moore tells Bush to watch the pretzels

Hurray for Michael! ... and I hope this time I get to watch his film.

reede, mai 21, 2004

CIA investigates death of three detainees

I'm absolutely disgusted at the latest picture from Abu Ghraib I saw in the news. It's a young white woman (supposedly a US soldier), posing next to the body of a dead man, and flashing a big smile and a thumbs up gesture.

That woman must be either an idiot or out of her mind. If she's neither of those, then she deserves to be punished.

What a wonderful "rule of law" American armed forces have brought to Iraq! As the Fox News anchorwoman suggested to say: "Thank you America! We love you!"

Sabrina, SHAME ON YOU!

The way many ISPs work here is by selling little cards that have userid, passwords and access telephone numbers in them. Depending which card you buy, you have the right to connect to the Internet for a number X of hours.

Last time I went shopping for one of those cards was last month. I found one that read that after purchasing it, if I registered in their website, I'd be allowed to use the Internet at half the standard price. I thought it was a pretty good deal, so I bought it.

When I got home, and connected to the Internet with the new card, of course the first thing I did was go to their website and register. At the end of the process, I got some sort of confirmation screen, so I thought I was all set.

It happens that I wasn't! Two days ago I just couldn't connect to the Internet. Perhaps it's just a temporary problem and I should wait one day I thought. Yesterday I was still having the same problem, so I called their customer service number.

To my surprise, they told me that I wasn't registered in their server to get the discount, and that the time originally printed on my card was up. That doesn't make sense. The guy, Mr. A said that he'd work on that and call me within one hour.

Two hours later, I hadn't received any phone call yet, so I called them again. I couldn't find Mr. A, and had to explain the whole thing again to Mr. B. He said exactly the same thing as the first guy, and that he'd call me within one hour.

Again, two hours later I hadn't got any reply from them, so I called a third time. I wasn't able to find neither Mr. A nor Mr. B. I had to explain the whole thing for a third time to Ms. C. She promised she'd find me Mr. A and get him call me back inmediately.

Soon afterwards, I did get a phone call, but it wasn't neither A, nor B, nor C. It was some other guy, Mr. D! I had to explain the problem again (for the fourth time, to the same company, within the same day, no kidding). This bastard, on top of telling me the same stuff as A and B, suggested I was telling him lies cause he couldn't find me in his server. That mother fucker! He thinks that his customers are as cheap as he himself is! Who does he think he is? Accusing me of calling three times in the same day just to tell lies in order to get a discount over a US$5 product? I'm not calling to get an unfair deal, I'm calling to get what was specified in their documentation! They already got my money, now they should deliver the promised service.

With this kind of "service oriented" people, it's no wonder this country is firmly stranded as a third world country.

I'm never ever going to use that company again.

I'm stunned. I'd swear that a while ago I saw in the news people in America celebrating a vigil in honor of one of the American prison guards accused of torture in Abu Ghraib?

What are these guys up to? America's top leaders already said that those are "bad apples" and their actions do not represent the values of America! So are these people in vigil anti-Americans? Shouldn't they be rounded up and sent to Guantánamo?

I demand coherence!

esmaspäev, mai 17, 2004

Pentagon denies report Rumsfeld okayed abuse

Of course the Pentagon will deny that! What? Do they think the Pentagon will say "yes, our top leader approved of the abuse"?

teisipäev, mai 11, 2004

Superb job, Bush tells Rumsfeld

Bush said that Rumsfeld is doing a "superb job"? What, is this April Fool's Day? We're in May.

I don't understand. All he has to do is open his eyes, look at the pictures and use common sense. Is that the "freedom" and "rule of law" that they were saying they'd deliver to the people of Iraq?

esmaspäev, mai 10, 2004

Bush heads to Pentagon amid prison controversy

Not so long ago I had an argument with my old Texan friend. He's a strong supporter of this mess going on in Iraq. At one point he even said something to the matter of if he were living in a place like Iraq, he'd be praying so that the US armed forces would come to set him free.

Yeah dude, these are the peace, freedom and human rights that the US armed forces will bring you even if you didn't invite them to come to your home!

Japan scandal claims second victim

Shame on you Naoto! You guys are powerful and wealthy, yet don't pay your social security contributions while at the same time talking about making the common people pay higher and higher premiums!

Pols: Show all abuse pix, videos

Dick Cheney talked about Donald Rumsfeld calling him "the best secretary of defense the United States has ever had"? He must've been stoned when he released that statement.

Father defends US soldier over photos in Iraq abuse scandal

I guess that father thinks his son's actions are the pride of America! God bless America!

laupäev, mai 08, 2004

TORTURE AT ABU GHRAIB - a U.S. military prison.

As a Fox News newscaster proposed to say: "Thank you America, we love you!"

neljapäev, mai 06, 2004

Mr. Rumsfeld's Responsibility

I wonder, is the editor of The Washington Post anti-American or what? How can he dare write something negative about the US goverment or its officials?

Don, Don, Don... so the Geneva Conventions do not apply, huh? How about kicking your butt all the way to a cell in Gantánamo, locking you up and throwing the key into the ocean? All we'd have to do is declare you an "enemy combatant" (was that the name?) and you'd be shut from any contact to your family, your attorneys, or the press for ever and ever Amen.

Does that sound like a fair thing to do?

Tell that to the presumably innocent (until proven otherwise) hundreds of prisoners in Gantánamo, Abu Gharib, and who knows where else.

esmaspäev, mai 03, 2004

Urban Legends Reference Pages: Risqué Business (The Love Machine)

Huh, the guy who wrote this article really knows about Japan. Yes, it's true that 30-something ladies act on purpose in a childish way cause this is regarded as attractive. Behaving like an (Western) 30-something adult, would be seen as a bit of a rough manner.