Ann Coulter the hatemonger
Today I was watching Larry King Live on CNN and they were talking about somethings Ann Coulter wrote in her latest book referring to the widows of 9/11; which in my humble opinion is really disgraceful. I really didn't know much about her; I could recognize her from pictures, and I also know she's a conservative writer. But after listening to the whole program and then going to read about her in Wikipedia, I've come to the conclusion she must be out of her mind. She's a true hatemonger. And what a shame that people make her wealthy by inviting her to give speeches and buying her books.
In Larry King Live's program they interviewed several people, including two conservative guys. One of the conservatives was a fundraiser, and the other one I don't remember. At the very end of the program the one who's not the fundraiser said that he doesn't believe Ann wrote and said all of those outrageous things just for the money. With this, everybody in the program, even the conservative fundraiser started to laugh, and laugh hard! I heard and saw them laugh. Of course, this brings down in a flash the credibility of anything this guy might've been saying during the whole one hour Larry King Live.
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