laupäev, juuni 03, 2006

Us guys, we're nice guys!

Here I've met several local people who tell me stuff like "Oh, we're very tolerant", "We don't discriminate by people's race or religion", etc.  In short, "We're very nice guys".  But yesterday I saw something that was rather shocking:

Yesterday I had to take a day trip by bus to a town that's about five hours away from here.  I took the bus from it's initial till the final stop.  At the very beginning there were many empty seats, so most of the passengers took two seats for themselves like in a half-full airplane.  As we went on our way to this shitty town, the bus was picking more and more passengers, and of course, they'd take a seat.  Then we came to a point when the bus was full of passengers, some were even travelling standing... all of the seats were occupied... except for the one next to the black guy.  I couldn't believe it.  I saw many people who preferred to travel standing rather than take a seat next to a black guy.  This black guy also travelled from the first till the final stop, and when we got off the bus I got a better glimpse of him.  There was nothing wrong with him, he was very decently dressed --even better than I was I should point--, without looking like a pimp.  What's wrong with all those morons?

Unrelated to this incident, on my way back I saw there was a passenger girl in our bus who was fucking ugly.  Ugly like a nightmare.  She spent a lot of time talking on her mobile inside the bus, which was very annoying.  I don't think she was a local because I couldn't understand one single word of what she said.  But I did notice that she had perfect teeth.  Maybe in her country they don't have cotton candy and shit like that?  Yeah, she must've been raised with pure raw veggies and and freshly killed game.