laupäev, juuni 17, 2006

Can't resist the temptation of Burger King

Gee, last night I was up till way too late, and as a result of that I ended up skipping lunch today as I had fallen asleep again by lunch time.  Then I went out to an upscale supermarket to buy some nicely packaged dried fruits that I want to take as a gift for a friend I may meet next week.  Man, I saw so many wonders in that supermarket.  I had planned to simply not eat anything until dinner time, but seeing all those fabulous things broke my power of will.  After I found my dried fruits, I ran to the nearest Burger King and had a Whopper.  That was at about 16:00.  Then at the convenience store nearest to my home I bought one big box of luscious chocolate ice cream.

Now it's the real dinner time, but I'm not all that hungry.  I think in a little while perhaps I'm gonna open that box of ice cream.