Park's 2 bears killed after bite
This is unacceptable and ridiculous. This is none of the bears' fault, yet the bears had to pay with their lives for the child's (and his monther's) choice to disobey rules. How disgraceful.
Life after corporate slavery...
I just finished watching Paycheck, with Ben Affleck and Uma Thurman. Quite entertaining, although not really an Earth shattering story line. I think the story develops in California, although for a sec. I thought I saw this funny tower of Seattle. There're a lot of people of different ethnicities appearing in the film. But shamefully, the only Latino is a robber in a bus!!! Well, to tell the truth, a good deal of the Latinos I know are crooks, unfortunately.
A little while ago I was writing a long e-mail to a friend from whom I hadn't heard of for quite a while. When I click on "Send", instead of getting the mail sent confirmation screen, I get the please logon again screen. I figure after I put in my password the mail will be sent... but I'm wrong! The mail I wrote is nowhere to be found!
I don't understand this. Now I live in a smaller apartment than before, and since here I have an electric fan, I'm not using the aircon at all, yet my electricity bill is about twice as much as before coming here.
Today I came back to my new apartment and found in my mailbox his unpaid telephone bill. I opened the envelope without noticing it was not for me, just my correct address. He has certainly already cancelled his old phone number (I dialed it, and got the recording from the telco). But he has neglected paying his last bill, and it is more than 10 times what I usually pay on my own phone bills!!!
This afternoon I was flipping the channels, and I happen to catch some comments by CNN viewers who phoned the station and left their thoughts to its answering machine. The topic was the demonstrations taking place in many Muslim majority countries against the insulting cartoons published in Denmark and other countries. I heard two comments complete, and both were idiotic:
The Voice of the City
The Washington Post
I don't usually do this, but today I opened my spam mailbox, and found about 10 new spam mails arrived in the last 24 hours. - Biography
Yesterday on my way to get a hair cut, I saw a Burger King advertisement for a special hanburger, "double cheeseburger with mushroom sauce". In the picture it looked really yummy, with many slabs of mushroom sticking out of the bun. Oh man, I just got to try that, I love mushrooms!