neljapäev, veebruar 16, 2006

Moronic comments on CNN

This afternoon I was flipping the channels, and I happen to catch some comments by CNN viewers who phoned the station and left their thoughts to its answering machine.  The topic was the demonstrations taking place in many Muslim majority countries against the insulting cartoons published in Denmark and other countries.  I heard two comments complete, and both were idiotic:

1.  A lady calling from Greece, but speaking with a mild American accent was opposed to the angry mobs, and in order to show her support for "free expression", she said she's gonna buy three times as much Danish products as before.  I think she's missing the point that the poor dairy product manufacturers in Denmark are simply some innocent bystanders.  Buying more danish milk or quitting buying it won't affect at all the guys working at the paper that commissioned and published the cartoons.  Silly lady.

2.  A guy calling from the US, and speaking with, huh, a Southern accent, claims the Muslims have no place complaining about defiling profets and other venerated characters because the Talibans blasted the Buddha statues at Bamiyan.  I'm like, dude, this is in the same league as thinking that Pat Robertson and the Saint Inquisition speak for all Christians of the world!  Please, use your head more often!!!