neljapäev, märts 31, 2005

Schiavo Dies 13 Days After Tube Removed

ABC News

I hope Terri has now found peace. I wonder though, what are all of those nuts praying outside the hospice going to do now? I heard them on TV saying something about a miracle of god or something?

I hope the autopsy leaves no doubt that Terri's case was hopeless, and Michael Schiavo is offered apologies from all those crazy people who went out of their ways to bother this guy.

Terri Schiavo, 41, Dies in Fla. Hospice

This is a really good article. Well, it has some editorial mistakes, but the information is pretty good. I hadn't seen these details before. It's a pitty how things developed, but at least this poor lady is finally resting in peace.

40-foot penis set for climax

Sun Star | Story

I don't know, this story must be a joke.

esmaspäev, märts 28, 2005

3rd Annual Nigerian EMail Conference

At the Abuja Sheraton Hotel

This is lovely.

Anger at Bushes as time grows short for Schiavo

All those guys who think that Terri was actually articulating "I want to live." need a mental health check. And they should take along with them any person who claims that Terri would really chose to live like that if she were in her right mind.

DeLay's own brush with end-of-life tragedy

How convenient for DeLay, huh? If it's somebody else's relative, it's okay to use that body as a political football. But if it's his own family, he quietly lets him die.

Despicable s.o.b.

pühapäev, märts 27, 2005

Smart asses are more common than I thought

Lately I've been checking Google discussion groups for a couple of
topics I needed some help. Some of the threads are interesting.
Also, at first I also thought it was kind of odd there were a few
poster names that kept repeating over and over.

Now I know better. In one instance I asked why Yahoo! is doing
something this way, and within a few minutes one of these serial
posters replied that it's because that's Yahoo's policy.

How enlightening, huh?

Something similar happened in another discussion group. I got one of
these brillant responses from one of those prolific writers. Totally

laupäev, märts 26, 2005

Ex-Marine Says Public Version of Saddam Capture Fiction


At this point, I wouldn't be surprised at all that as this fellow claims, Saddam's capture in a hole in the ground is a fabrication to humiliate him. So many lies, everywhere you look, from the guys who are constantly claiming that God is on their side. God bless America!!!

neljapäev, märts 24, 2005

Give Schiavo the same rights as animals

The Daily Texan - Opinion

The woman who wrote this is an idiot. Animals that are in pain and without hope of recovery are "put to sleep" without the need to go to the federal court nor anything, period.

Give Schiavo the same rights as animals

The Daily Texan - Opinion

The woman who wrote this is an idiot. Animals that are in pain and without hope of recovery are "put to sleep" without the need to go to the federal court nor anything, period.

kolmapäev, märts 23, 2005

Schiavo Ruling No Surprise

CBS News

The state of health of Terri, and all the bad blood it has generated among her relatives is quite a sad thing. But the Congress' and the President's intervention, clearly for political gain and nothing else, makes me mad.

How low of them to use people's personal tragedies for their own selfish purposes. Despicable. And I heard Bush signed the law in pajamas? What? Striking another pose for the pictures? He's an idiot.

teisipäev, märts 22, 2005

It should be a lesson to us all

Shame on Bush! Making use of people's personal tragedies for his own political gain. This gotta be a sin!

Sorry for the rants

Sorry for all of my rants. Sometimes I get so frustrated at how slow
things are, and I don't have a lot of people to talk about it with.

Things that should be really quick and easy, here usually take forever
and at times that drives me nuts!

esmaspäev, märts 21, 2005

CarpSoft Key Solutions

CarpSoft Key Solutions

Ha! This kind of bullshit vocabulary reminds me of some of my ex-bosses. A lot of words, meaning nothing.

laupäev, märts 19, 2005

Sneaky mother fuckers


Last night I had some free moments, and I thought I'd spend them embellishing my Windows desktop. I stumbled on this page, and thought I'd give this screensaver a go.

After installing it, I was wondering, if it's so wonderful, how come this company is giving it away for free? So I ran my MS Antispyware, and sure enought, there was new spyware installed!

I know it came with this screensaver for sure because earlier in the same day I'd happened to do my weekly anti-spyware and anti-adware runs.

This piece of crap came with something called MyWay toolbar for MS Internet Explorer. At the end, no data was damaged, nothing was stolen, nor anything, but I lost sooo many hours trying to get rid of it! Simply running again a deep scan with the anti-spyware and anti-adware didn't get rid of all of the registry entries, and files, and cookies that had been installed.

Bad move.

neljapäev, märts 17, 2005

Erection lasts 2 days

Backpage Article Display

Wow! This is quite something! I wish I owned the recipe to those tablets!

Crap on the net


This is another strong contender for the title of useless crap on the net. This postal code search facility has a pull down list, but no search button! And nothing happens either when you simply select something from the list.

Maybe I should find the way to get paid for creating this kind of eyesore. Pretty smart the guys who did this, huh?

This search function is shit!

Thailand Post

This search function doesn't find anything! Nothing! Even if I input the sample text, that's shown in the instructions, it doesn't find anything!

Unspeakable crap.

Shitty customer service all over...

What the fuck?

Two days ago I was in peace with the world, minding my own business,
when suddenly by laptop's power adaptor short circuited. I was just
reading or writing something, and had been doing so for a couple of
hours. I wasn't moving the computer, nor was using it under the rain.
Just plain use.

With what I had left of battery power, I searched the Internet for
IBM's technical service phone number. It was very easy to find. So I
inmediately called their toll free number, and the girl took my name,
my computer's model and serial number, and listened carefully to the
problem. She even made me repeat parts of it so she could type it in.
At the end, her technical help consisted in: please call this other

I've got no time to waste arguing with that dickhead, so I called the
number she told me. After a long wait, another girl answered the
phone, and followed by the same previous routine, she also told me to
call a different number. When I complained to her that I had been
directed to this number by some other IBMer working at their own
"technical helpdesk", she asked me to wait a little while.

After a long wait, yet a different girl came to talk to me, and
inmediately asked me what had the distributor had told me. What
distributor is she talking about? I've been waiting all that time on
hold... when didn I have time to talk to the IBM distributor mother
fucker? And when did you give me the distributor's name and phone
number? I bought my laptop directly from IBM's offices, that's why I
was calling IBM technical helpdesk in the first place.

Fuck you! Thank you very much for your uselessness.

When did you ever see a power adaptor breaking down? Mine did. And
it was an original IBM part. And it went bust just shortly after the
guarantee expired.

So I went out to try to find by myself the very same model of power
adaptor as I had. Shit, I walked like you can't imagine. I thought
it wouldn't be difficult because it's a popular model of laptop
computer, but nobody had the same exact power adaptor model. And to
top it off, most of the store keepers had this freaking arrogant
attitude like they're very important person, and it doesn't matter if
they make one more sale of a power adaptor or not, and they might be
wondering if they have the time to bother with me. Dude, I didn't go
to a wholesaler place trying to buy one unit. I went to these huge
shopping centers full of small shops with intense competition that
cater to independent shoppers.

What the hell! I ended up buying from one nice lady who really knew
how to give customer service. I was so pleased with her that I didn't
even ask her for a discount. Her good manners deserved to be

teisipäev, märts 15, 2005

Fucking selfish passenger

I just saw this on TV, and I just can't believe my eyes. This was a
news report about some American company vehicles that come with a
little video camera to record accidents and use as evidence. Some of
these vehicles even have a camera pointing inside the cabin (rather
than pointing on the road ahead).

So then they show something that looks like an airport shuttle bus.
First, it's the recording from the camera pointing to the road, and
you can see it veers off the road and crashes at slow speed. There
was nothing obstructing this bus' path, so it's a mystery why it went
off course in the first place.

Next, they show the recording from the camera pointing inside the bus.
It looks like the steering wheel has broken because the driver is
twisting it desperately, but the bus seems not to respond. The
accident happens, the bus comes to a stop, and the driver asks to the
lone passenger "please help me out!". (Apparently his seat belt is
stuck). The passenger just walks away.

I don't know... maybe that passenger was an extreme muslim terrorist?

esmaspäev, märts 14, 2005

Judge blocks Guantanamo detainees' transfer

Hey, this thing that Donald & Co. are trying to do doesn't sound like it's a moral thing. Unjustly detain people and keep them locked up for over a year without charges?... and then try to transfer them to to other countries where they hope to avoid the reach of US courts?

Is this the kind of morals that George is bringing to the world? This is the "justice" that America advertises when they talk about "rule of law" and "love of freedom"?


pühapäev, märts 13, 2005

Needle of suspicion points to witchcraft, says worker

The Nation

I'm disappointed at this front-page news article. The Nation is one of Thailand's best newspapers, and this is what they use their space for?

laupäev, märts 12, 2005

La mala educación

Página oficial

Wow, today I was feeling down, so I thought I might go to watch a movie, and picked this one, from Pedro Almodóvar. It was excellent! Very complex story and nicely played by all of the actors. Much better than many of the Hollywood flicks I've seen lately. So many twists in the story... it was confusing at the begining, but then everything became clear. The only part I didn't get was why the rush to kill the real Ignacio?

La mala educación

Página oficial

Wow, today I was feeling down, so I thought I might go to watch a movie, and picked this one, from Pedro Almodóvar. It was excellent! Very complex story and nicely played by all of the actors. Much better than many of the Hollywood flicks I've seen lately. So many twists in the story... it was confusing at the begining, but then everything became clear. The only part I didn't get was why the rush to kill the real Ignacio?

kolmapäev, märts 09, 2005

Google Desktop Search Leaves Beta


Huh, I'm a bit disappointed with GDS. I'd seen for a while news about Google Desktop Search, but didn't feel like installing it. Lately, however, I've been into so many projects that it's difficult to keep track of everything, so I changed my mind and yesterday I installed GDS.

The installation itself was real quick, but the one-time indexing took forever. The real problem in my case, is that GDS didn't create indexes of one whole directory! I put all of my downloaded files and self-created files under two directories, and GDS just refuses to index one of them, thus I can't find anything that happens to be there.

I went to check the user forums for possible solutions, and was amazed at how many people are having the same problem. Just random dirtories are ignored for indexing, and although some workarounds are proposed, none worked for me.

I don't think GDS is ready for prime time yet.

esmaspäev, märts 07, 2005

Bono may head World Bank

I tend to believe that this article is a joke. It would be too good to be true that finally somebody with social consciousness is going to head the World Bank. On the other hand, I've seen related articles in several other places, so perhaps there's some truth behind this!

teisipäev, märts 01, 2005

North Square

ABC Asia Pacific Television

This television series is ridiculous. It's about some stuff going on in some British high court. The funny thing is, many of the Barristers instead of being old, fat and bald, they are young and look like fashion models!