pühapäev, juuni 27, 2004

I shit you not!

I just finished reading the newspapers. I browsed though the "letters
to the editor" section, and I couldn't believe what I read.

There was a letter from a guy replying to some non-sense written
previously by yet another reader. They were discussing whether it's
better to get your vitamin D via suplements or via exposure to the

Apparently, the author of the first letter wrote that it's better to
get them from the drug companies. His reasoning is that since this is
a tropical country and even though the Sun is usually so strong here,
since it's so hot and you have to take a shower so many times, when
you do so, you wash the vitamin D off your skin!!!

I shit you not! I'm not a doctor, but this theory of the vitamin D
washing off your skin sounds like real idiocy, worthy of Bush.

Fortunatelly, they're only available in MTV!!!

Another one from MTV Indonesia... There's this funky group, I guess
they're Indonesian, called "Taboo" or "Vodoo" (or maybe "Pupoo"). One
of their bass players always has his head covered with a black hood.

Lately they're being played quite frequently in MTV. MTV advertises
them as "MTV exclusive", and I'm glad for that cause they're not that
great. It would be pretty bad to find their bad music everywhere I

The only okay song they have, I don't know the title, but I'm almost
sure it's a cover version (and also translated into Indonesian) of an
old Japanese pop song. What a great feat of these "exclusive

Not really my cup of tea...

What a freaky cartoon...

A couple of nights ago I was watching MTV Indonesia, and they started
playing some cartoons I'd never seen before. From the background
music and the way they'd drawn the two characters, it looked like
something for small children. But like I said before, it was night,
and on MTV!

Okay, these two characters, which were like humanoid cats, were in a
hospital bedroom. One of the characters, a girl was a patient there,
and she was all bound up almost like a mummy on her bed. The other
character, a boy was his friend paying a visit trying to cheer her up.

The boy first tried to play the violin for her, but the girl still
looked unchanged, sad. So next the boy took out his flute and started
to play... and it worked like a charm.

The girl liked the music, and was all smiles. Actually, the music was
so good that the bandage from one of her legs started to stand up like
an enchanted serpent. (Get it? A flute player and the enchanted

But then disaster stroke when this bandage got way too close to the
bedroom's fan. It got tangled in the wings, it pulled the girl's leg,
and ended up breaking it! Yes, you could see the girl's leg had come
off, and you could even see the bone where the leg had broken.

The boy got scared, and stopped playing, and by hand put together the
leg back to its place. He made sure nobody could tell just by looking
that it'd been broken. Then to comfort the girl for the extra pain
he'd caused, he continued to play... but this time the bandage stood
up quicker and tangled into the fan even worse than before... and it
pulled not just the girl's leg, but the whole girl in to the fan!!!

You can see how the girl is absorved by the fan, and the next scene
shows the boy horrorized with blood splattering all over the wall
around him. He just leaves the room trying to pretend nothing
happened, he doesn't know anything.

Yeah, that was the children's cartoon, or so I'd thought.

reede, juuni 25, 2004

Man 'took rude pics with cheerleaders' cameras'

This sounds like something some of my friends would do. How I miss my buddies!

Judge 'caught using penis pump'

Ummm, I don't know... he was still paying attention to the hearings, right?

Toshiba develops smallest fuel cell

Woa! I can't wait to see with my own eyes and even purchasing one of these little wonders!!!

US opinion tilts against war

Ha! I see the general American population is submitting to terrorists' manipulation. Shame on you guys! You should just blindly trust Bush and Cheney, your friendly president and vice-p. They know what's best for you even better than you yourselves do.

neljapäev, juuni 24, 2004

Boy bites off girlfriend's lip

Yep, I agree with the girl. That guy's a bad kisser.

kolmapäev, juuni 23, 2004

Mother and daughter sue restaurant over spicy dish

This could only happen in America... God bless America!!!

teisipäev, juuni 22, 2004

Nobel Winners Back Kerry, Say Bush Ignores Science

Of course Bush ignores science. He ignores a lot of things cause he's not bright, to say the least.

"Fetish bar" watered down to dark bar

... and talking about sexual desires... there's this self-proclaimed
fetish bar that was closed earlier this year and reopened just

What happened earlier this year is that it was raided by the police,
and they found condoms there (oh my gosh!), which they used as
evidence of prostitution taking place there (oh, pleeease!). The bad
thing is that I found out about this place only a couple of days after
it'd been closed down. Now, I'm not sure bondage / sado-masochism is
my cup of tea, but since I've never tried it before, I was pretty
curious and willing to give it a shot. It made me kind of horny to
figure myself in the situations I'd read had been taking place inside.

So a couple of weeks ago, when I found out that this place had
fiiinally reopened, I was very happy and went for a trial run.

It was a most disappointing thing. Although the place had reopened
with the same name and so on, once inside I didn't see anything at all
that would resemble the things that had been described from it before.

The only thing that still was there was the rule of having to dress in
black. So as soon as I came in, they lent me a black shirt. I went
in "just to look, and then make up my mind". They only showed me one
floor and told me that was all. I saw many girls, but they were all
dressed in normal night gowns, no leather stuff. I saw some sofas in
dark corners, but no cages nor school classrooms, much less an
obstetrics room. I was really fucking disappointed. There were no
other customers, only the girls who work there. And the famous second
floor with the cages, and chains, etc., well, the lady who was showing
me around said that they didn't have that.

Too much exitement for nothing.

Tis' girl's a rebel without a cause...

Funny dream I had last night. By now I already forgot most of it, but
what I do remember is that I was in love with this sweetest girl. But
what's even more strange is that she'd hardly submit to my sexual
desires. Why not? I don't understand. She wouldn't leave me either
for some other less demanding guy.

Happy Monday!

Fuck the last few days have been cloudy and most of them have even
been raining. I didn't have any chance to maintain my suntan. But
today the sun is beautiful, and the temperature inviting for a nice
nap under the sun... but I have to work! Who cares for rain on Sunday
and sun on Mondays!

pühapäev, juuni 20, 2004

Woman 'starved dog' to fit in plane carry-on bag

This lady really needs her head checked for loose screws...

Pensioner loses false teeth in fight with prostitute

I wonder what this guy would tell his family and friends as an explanation as to how he lost his false teeth!

laupäev, juuni 19, 2004

Bono caught smoking in his own hotel

Good Bono! You made a mistake, but as soon as you were reminded, you acknowledged it, and apologized for it. That should be the norm, not the exception in this world.

Madonna compares Bush to Saddam

Huh, Madonna is really a lot smarter than I'd thought! Cool!

reede, juuni 18, 2004

The Plain Truth

Huh, I think somebody should call the CIA or whomever is concerned. They should invoke perhaps the PATRIOT Act, and lock up the author of this editorial in Guantánamo.

How can you dare! Shame on you anti-American editor! I see you are not pro-American, you're obviously pro-Muslim-barbaric-terrorist!

Bush firm on Iraq, Qaeda link

George, this stinks too much! I can't believe someone like you is "the leader of the free world".

Yeah, free to bomb anyone you like, regardless of what the concepts of justice, legitimacy, moral, and so on might point to.

neljapäev, juuni 17, 2004

Iraqis' opinions on U.S. 'grim'

So the results of this poll were not released to the American public? I bet if they were possitive, they'd be released inmediately and used for political purposes by Bush. How dirty this is.

I'm surprised there're so many Americans who support the war in Iraq. How come? Why? Just because they're the biggest and strongest guys in the neighborhood, that means that whatever they say is moral? Moral and justice is defined as a function of their (meaning Bush, Cheney, and Halliburton) interests rather than as a more philosophical way? Huh?

Please guys, open your eyes! Wake up! Bush and his buddies are a great danger to world peace and justice! Americans, do something! Unite and vote him off! Please!

teisipäev, juuni 15, 2004

Money for nothing!

Somebody is now US$125 richer for nothing!

Oh, I'm so sorry for this guy... but I hope he learnt his lesson.

The apartment building where I live has a gym, and one of the guys who
take care of it is quite friendly to me. Actually, the three of them
are. This guy I'm talking about came to me on Sunday while I was
reading the newspaper, and told me in broken English that he'd placed
a bet on Croatia (for the soccer game in the Euro Cup). He said he'd
bet the equivalent to US$125, was very cheerful, and was also asking
jokingly if I didn't want to join the bet.

Huh, I don't like to bet, plus I don't know much about soccer, much
less have confidence to be choosing a winner. I gently declined and
wished him good luck. He was even (jokingly, I guess) saying that if
he wins the bet, with that money he'd go to buy some women.

Yesterday I ran into him again, and asked him how's he doing. I had
no idea the soccer match had already taken place. He was very somber,
and said that Croatia had lost and his US$125 were gone! Poor guy!
He really looked sad. I don't know his salary, but I imagine that
it's probably one third of it.

I hope he doesn't repeat the mistake!

Next time he should bet for France.

esmaspäev, juuni 14, 2004

Former Officials to Criticize Bush Foreign Policy

What do these Anti-Americans think they're doing!!! Quick, somebody invoke the Patriot Act and send these guys to Guantánamo!

pühapäev, juuni 13, 2004

How the military treated some inmates at Abu Ghraib like "ghosts" (6/21/04)

Shame on Ricardo! So you guys said that it was only "six bad apples" and not the whole military, huh?

kolmapäev, juuni 09, 2004

Former cook 'put semen in sandwiches'

This incident is kind of "yuck!". But "aggravated battery" sounds like an exageration to me.

Regular sex helps students

Why didn't anybody tell me before!

Stray dog gets laser eye surgery

Nice! This has lit up my day!

pühapäev, juuni 06, 2004

J.Lo & Marc Anthony: They Do!

So fast! She just split from Ben, and she's already married a different guy!

This reminds me of this guy I know. I usually regard him as a friend, but right now I'm kind of mad at him. He had the same girlfriend for eight (8) years, but didn't marry her. They split up, and within six (6) months, the girl had already married another guy.

Meanwhile, the guy who's usually my friend is still behaving like a loser.

laupäev, juuni 05, 2004

Freedom Omelettes anyone?

Gee, after that dream I woke up and turned on the TV. They were
showing a cooking program, and today they were teaching several egg

They explained how to cook "French Omelettes" (Freedom Omelettes for
you, my American readers). Ummm, I like those, but was never able to
figure out by myself how to make them.

It sounded really easy, so I gave them a shot a few minutes later. I
had all of the ingredients in my fridge, except for the potatoes. I
used sliced sausages and a few green leaves.

The end result tasted real good, but didn't look as good. I had put
too much filling and wasn't able to roll and close nicely the
Omelette. But now I know!

Another happy dream!!!

Ummm, another strange dream... but then, which dream is not strange?

Last night I dreamt that somehow I was back in my college days.
Although it was a Saturday morning, I had to go to classes to recover
cause we were very delayed in two of our subjects. The first one was
introduction to political sciences, from my general studies years, and
it was going to start at 9:00. My second class was right after that
one, at 11:00, and although I don't remember what subject was that, it
was going to be taught by my brother! Ha! Maybe it was going to be
"exotic sex positions"!

Huh, really strange, in the middle of this dream I even remembered the
real name of the Professor who truly taught me that subject in
college, even though I saw him one semester only, and since I was
going to engineering, his subject was of little interest to me.

Another strange thing is that those classes were going to take place
on the roof of my parents' house, not at the university campus! My
parents' house has two rooms on the roof (third floor level) which a
very very long time ago my father used as some sort of "home office".

When I showed up for my first class, the day was very dark, almost
like night, and very few students showed up (maybe three or four).
And what our Professor taught us that day was really very little,
hardly justifying a special class on a Saturday morning! He even
finished his lesson very early.

When he left the classroom, I went outside of the room too to wait for
my next class, with my brother. I was going to have to wait a long
while, but didn't have anywhere else to go except to hang around at
that rooftop. As soon as I stepped out to the open air, I saw that
the sky was dark like night except for some occasional thunderlights.
It wasn't raining, but there was some wind.

That's odd I thought, cause my parents' house is in a city where
there're no thunders. I stepped closer to the roof's wall to take a
look to the neighborhood, where are those thunders falling? I was
surprised to find that the house was no longer in the same
neighborhood as always. It was located in the middle of my high
school's patio! But the patio was much much larger than it really is
in real life.

The patio was full of students in their uniforms. I could only see
them because of the thunderlights, otherwise it was totally dark
around them. The way those thunderlights would fall is, first like in
slow motion, a bright white light starts to shine on somebody (usually
his butt), and after a few seconds, the actual thunder would fall
where that white light was shining. It was so strange cause there
were several seconds between the white light begining to shine, and
the thunderlight actually falling, yet nobody would run away. The
guys were just covering their heads as if protecting from rain, and
letting the thunders hit them. They wouldn't die from the lightining

I thought that was kind of scary, and stepped back from the wall.
When I looked around me, I saw two or three elephants, right there on
the rooftop! Although these animals didn't look angry, me and the
other college kids who were also on the rooftop we were all quite
nervous about them. There was no fence nor anything between them and
us! Also, the wind was starting to blow stronger.

Then I picked up my mobile phone to call my brother. I wanted him to
tell me where he was! It was already time for his class, and I wanted
him to begin already cause I was starting to get scared of that place.

To my surprise, an old girlfriend from college answered my brother's
mobile. They were riding in his car together, and she was kind of
working as his secretary. I don't know why she didn't pass the
telephone to him. I didn't get to talk to him, but on the other hand,
that didn't bother me either. I just wanted to know when was he going
to be here! She said they were going to arrive real soon, and to wait
inside the classroom.

I came into the dark classroom. It was light enough to see one of the
elephants, a baby, was trying to follow me! Somehow that baby
elephant squeezed himself into the classroom, and again, although he
didn't seem angry, it made me nervous, especially cause another of his
bigger friends was also trying to follow us. But the second elephant
was too big for that door frame and got stuck there for a long time...
until I woke up from that dream.

Korean ladies anyone?

Ha! These Korean ladies are really something...

I've noticed that one of the ladies whom I sometimes see around the
swimming pool is not very much intelectually endowed.

The other day I saw a humongous wasp hovering near us. And when this
creature of god approached the Korean lady (who is also another
creature of god, by the way), she tried to smack it! I thought it was
funny cause a Japanese lady her same age would be very nervous (or at
least pretend to be), she'd run away. Japanese women associate
extreme delicacy to sexiness, but this Korean lady just didn't care!

reede, juuni 04, 2004

Two for the price of one...

Gee, rarely can I remember what I dream, but last night I had about
three dreams and right now can still remember two of them. Quite Odd.

1. I went to visit this good old American friend. He used to live in
a small city in Japan. I went to see him in his big house, surrounded
by rice paddies. It was a sunny and cool day, beautiful. We were
chit-chatting in his living room, and then decided to take a walk
around the fields. It was very pleasant to remember the good all days
with the other guys from the dorm. Then we found a nice spot to take
a seat in the field, and then spent the rest of the afternoon, right
there, smoking pot.

2. After many years, I got to spend Christmas with my family. I was
sooo happy for that! But strangely, instead of everybody getting
together in my parent's house as we do every year, we went to some
sort of open air restaurant a couple of blocks from the house. We all
had a wonderful time with all of my uncles, aunts, and cousins. After
enjoying lunch together, and exchanging presents, we all decided to
head to my parent's house. People left at different moments (at each
one's convenience), and I stayed at that restaurant until last with
some cousins and my favorite auntie. Then we decided it was time for
us to join the rest of the family at my dad's house. I was walking
behind my aunt, and I saw her that while walking, she was holding
hands with a male figure. This male figure was his recently deceased
husband (in real life he really died not long ago). I was puzzled, I
looked around, and saw that my cousin's (that aunt's only son)
girlfriend was walking near me looking sad. She was missing my cousin
who had died (in my dreams) not so long ago.

Croatian 'phone a friend' is banned

This is funny! If we were in the States, I'd try to sue the program for this obvious sign of stinginess.

Korean fashion taking us by storm!

I wonder whether this is the exception or the rule...

It happens that in my apartment building there're several Koreans, and
there's also a swimming pool, and sometimes when those two get
together, I get an eyefull...

Some of these people wear normal bathing suits when they go to the
swimming pool, but most of them wear something that's truly out of a
comedy show.

I'm talking about this outfit that looks like it's made of thin
cotton, similar to the ones used to make T-shirts for girls in wet
T-shirts. It gets stucked to the skin, and you kind of see through

The guys wear something that looks like long boxer shorts. I don't
know, maybe when they're dry they're short, but when they get wet,
they turn very heavy and elongate. I'd swear I can see their butts.
I'm very fortunate I haven't seen them from the front!

Some of the girls also wear this, but it's only the bottom. In their
case, some of the girls who are wearing this fabric are wearing undies
under it. Yes, they go into the water with a two-layered outfit.
Also, the upper part looks pretty unconventional. It's like a tank
top, but I can see the straps of the bras they're wearing under their
tops. Very odd.

I'd consider myself very fortunate if these guys had bodies like they
are Baywatch artists, but no! The girls are in their early forties
and have got a belly and little chest. And for those of you who like
them with a dick, the guys also have huge tummies. Yuck!

teisipäev, juuni 01, 2004

The pleasures of Barroque writing

Gee, last week I went to the bookstore to buy some easy-to-read book
cause I want something light to read while taking sun baths next to
the swimming pool. I bought a paperback about, mostly Greek,
mythology. I've always been interested in that. One other factor for
chosing that book was that I read on the cover something like "Classic
Bestseller". It has to be good I thought.

As usual, I started reading from the very first page, and then the
introduction... uh oh! When I bought that book I hadn't noticed that
it was actually a very old book, reprinted recently, but originally
written in the 1940's!

Woah, you can really tell that book was written in a different age.
The lady author's style of explaining things is so... how can I put
it? BARROQUE! Too many words to say simple things! She reminded me
of my language teacher. She always gave higher grades whenever you
wrote unnecessarily lengthy papers.

The wonders of chemistry

Hummm... this just came to my mind, for no particular reason, mind you...

When somebody farts and stinks, and people around are disgusted, they
are just disgusted at the bad smell.

Now, I don't think most people come to think as deeply as this, but
what are smells? Smells are produced by chemical compounds that can
be detected by our noses.

But where did those "chemical compounds" come from? Certainly they
did not materialize out of thin air. Those came from the farting
guy's guts and through his butthole! Oh, and quite possibly before
those compounds were released into the air, they were in contact with
some fecal matter in the making.

Now that is gross!!!