neljapäev, juuli 28, 2005

Pentagon Blocks Release of Abu Ghraib Images

Here's Why

Oh, how wonderful is the freedom and democracy that Bush brought to Iraq! Freedom for his militarymen to humiliate, rape and even murder the locals perhaps with little consequence for the big shots who let this happen. I wonder, what would Bush's god say about this?

teisipäev, juuli 26, 2005

Report finds significant problems with Iraqi police training

The Mercury News

So, I wonder... under which measurement do Bush, Cheney & Co. see the formation of the new Iraqi police and military forces as a success? Aren't the guys on the ground saying that those corps are being prepared for failure? And aren't his own guys of the idea that the new police force is under trained and under paid? Doesn't that mean that there's little regard for quality, as long as it is possible to report to the American public that this many thousand men have now joined the forces of law? Regardless that many of them are hardly literate and some even come with a criminal past?

laupäev, juuli 23, 2005


Google Technology

I see. This solves the question of how Google works so fast and so well!

neljapäev, juuli 21, 2005

'Abortion Pill' Seems to Be Safe, Experst Say

Ha! Not safe for the fetuses, that's for sure! But hey, that's the mother's choice I totally agree. That's part of her own body, so she's still the one who has the final say, not George W Bush.

teisipäev, juuli 19, 2005

Good to keep in mind!

These last few days I've been writing computer code for a very interesting project which seems to have great potential (which project doesn't, huh?).  I needed to write code with technologies I'd never touched before or hadn't touched for ages.  I needed to see sample code...

and one of them starts with a disclaimer that says that that is just a sample code and is not intended for the control of aircraft nor the operation of nuclear facilities!  Ummm... I wonder how about the operation of supertankers or brain surgery equipment?

laupäev, juuli 09, 2005

Untitled comic


Oooh, if it were a muslim the one depicted in this comic (rather than a Christian), a lot of Americans would be complaining about "muslim extremism". But since it's a Christian trying to impose his beliefs, it's perfectly okay.

neljapäev, juuli 07, 2005

I'm not trying to make a joke out of this...

But I wonder if the Brits will remember today's incidents as "7-7" or "June-7", just like the Americans like to call their day "9-11", and the Spaniards "3-11".  How about referring to Christmas as "12-25"?