pühapäev, mai 29, 2005

White House to review terror strategy


Uh oh! Did I read "the rise of a new generation of terrorists, schooled in Iraq over the past couple of years."... But of course I guess most Americans still believe that Iraq had somehow a relation to the famous "9-11" attacks on the US. Ironic, huh? They went to Iraq with the intention "to defeat terrorism", but instead they seem to have created some sort of breeding ground for more of that instead.

But hey, what can you expect from a country that democratically elects a president like Bush?

neljapäev, mai 26, 2005

Amnesty Takes Aim at 'Gulag' in Guantanamo

ABC News

Really, if this report didn't say "USA", and "2005", anyone would think that Amnesty International is talking about USSR in the 1970s, huh?

kolmapäev, mai 25, 2005

Claims of boost to tourism an illusion

The Nation

Is this "news"? I'm not surprised at all. Thailand is a third world country where corruption and improvisation are the rule, rather than the exception.

Syria halts cooperation with U.S.


I don't understand. Syria was cooperating with the US' "War on Terror"? Then how come George labels this country as a member of the "Axis of Evil"? I think this is very unfair. Well, maybe it's because they're muslims, but without oil.

pühapäev, mai 22, 2005

Karzai demands 'justice' over abuse charge


Dude, you can raise all the hell that you want. But better don't hold your breath awaiting results cause it's not you who calls the shots in Afghanistan. The ones who really rule your country go by the names: Georgie, Dick, Donnie, and Condi.

The Empire Strikes Bush

Washington Post

Yeah, I also thought I sensed some anti-Bush feeling, or at least a "referrence to current events" for that matter, hidden among the lines of the last Star Wars movie.

Great movie by the way! Far better than Episode I and II! This time I'm sure I'll be able to remember the plot for a long time (which didn't happen with the two previous ones!).

This Bush is a really dreadful "leader of the free world". If he loves freedom so much, how come he doesn't go to help the poor Tibetans? And how about the Chechens? No comments about Uzbeks? and many many more oppressed people around the world (North Korea pops into mind).

What? Oh, yeah... they've got no oil, they're not white, some of their governments have nukes, some of those governments are helping Bush in his "war on terror". Who cares about the human rights of those guys? Certainly not Bush.

Stem Cell Work Will Aid Humans

ABC News

Of course it will aid humans! On the other hand, Bush's policies have killed a lot of humans.

kolmapäev, mai 18, 2005

Dog saves man's leg


That's a nice news story for a change!

esmaspäev, mai 16, 2005

CORRECTED: Newsweek: Koran desecration report wrong


This is very very dubious. After seeing some of the other wonders of Bush's "War on Terror", it's very easily conceivable that this flushing down the toilet really happened and Newsweek is just being pressured to deny its own story... or else!!!

neljapäev, mai 12, 2005

Wrong man, wrong place

Palm Beach Post Editorial

This article talks about John Bolton. What did you expect? That's the face of Bush's foreign policy, isn't it?

laupäev, mai 07, 2005

Hard to top this

Vail Daily News for Vail and Beaver Creek Colorado

This guy is really awesome. How generous from him!