laupäev, jaanuar 29, 2005

Another columnist paid to help promote Bush policy

Of course, nobody will go to jail nor anything for this. Hey, I should somehow get to become president of the US so I can use US taxpayer moeny to promote my own agenda without being held accountable!

kolmapäev, jaanuar 19, 2005

Bush: Better human intelligence needed

Yeah! Starting with Bush's own brain, it needs to be replaced!

esmaspäev, jaanuar 17, 2005

Kennedy says Iraq is 'Bush's Vietnam'

The troops ''won't be leaving until we have completed our mission," Bush said. ''And part of the mission is to train Iraqis so they can fight the terrorists."

... I beg your pardon? So anyone who opposes the occupation of their own country is a terrorist, huh? Ridiculous.

Astonishing somebody with Bush's intellectual calliber can become president of the USA.

Police hunt poo protesters


Wonderful idea! This clearly shows what I think of some of their policies!

pühapäev, jaanuar 09, 2005

Mosquito coil-resistant mosquitoes

Fuck, the mosquitoes in my building have become mosquito coil
resistant! They're also resistant to the other electric-chemical
repellent I've got. Last night I woke up thanks to some mosquito in
my bedroom. I thought it must be my imagination (the repellent thingy
was faithfully working). But today I got bitten several times even
though the coil was burning next to me!