Okay, great! Saddam has been captured and he's going to be tried for his crimes. Apparently, he's going to be tried in Iraq by Iraqis for all his atrocities. Yeah, he was a bad guy.
Now, how does that make America safer? Does the purpose of his capture and trial justify the toppling of a foreign government even when those guys didn't represent any danger to the US? Where are those dreadful weapons of mass destruction that were so scary and an unacceptable a risk to the American lifestyle?
If the Americans want to play being the nice guys intending to spread freedom and justice all over the world by ousting governments that oppress their citizens and endanger their neighbors, Israel should be next in line. After all, the Israeli government complies with all of the following, right?
Repeatedly ignores UN resolutions.
Oppresses and causes terror to the Palestinian population.
Occupies foreign land.
possesses weapons of mass destruction.
Causes instability in the whole region.
Maybe I'm just day-dreaming. Bush seeing the light and seeking justice for occupied Palestine? Ha! Maybe we can have a Disney movie about that.
And what about North Korea? Nay, they don't have oil.
And what about the poor Tibetans? And the Chechens?
Like the Americans like to say: "God Bless America!"
It bugs me each time I see one of those bumper stickers. They kind of imply "God bless the good Christian Americans and to hell with those Muslim barbarians.". How deeply ignorant... And it's coming from the country with many of the best universities in the world!