teisipäev, september 09, 2003

That jerk Bush pisses me off. I heard his address to the nation on Sunday night, and he keeps on using the words "terrorism" and "Iraq" in the same sentence. Yes, terrorist incidents are happening in Iraq, but the way he talks makes feeble minded people (and there're a lot of them even in the States) to think that in some way, Iraq supports terrorists, and that's the reason why it's important to go kick Saddam's ass.

No. There's no proof Saddam's regime supports in anyway any of these groups. Saddam's government was secular, whereas those groups are God crazy.

These two problems are just happening at the same time, but it's not like one is the cause of the other, dude. Plus, if he's so concerned about dictators who oppress their own citizens, and on top of that are a threat to their neighbors... why not go after North Korea? Or China (anybody ever heard about Tibet)? Or Russia (what ever happened with Chechnya)?

North Korea? Too bad you guys don't have oil. If you don't have oil, we don't care about your citizens' human rights, plus you've got nukes, haven't you? Umm, unless Rumsfeld's Haliburton buddies find something they could possibly make money of in North Korea. I wouldn't know, gotta ask him directly.

What the hell is Bush doing first behaving like an arrogant brat, destroying Iraq, even without the blessing of the "irrelevant" UN, and now begging the UN to issue another resolution so that others contribute money? Where are those WMD that were so dangerous to the freedoms of the Americans? You need patience and time to find them? Funny Bush didn't have time nor patience for Hans Blix. I don't understand why Bush says it is the "responsibility" of other countries like France, Germany, etc. to contribute to the reconstruction of Iraq, if they didn't destroy it in the first place. They were even opposed to the unprovoked attack of that country.

You show up unwellcome in somebody's house without invitation, break stuff searching for something, and then "Oops, sorry. I didn't find what I was looking for."? And then you say it's the other guys' responsibility to contribute in the clean up? I don't think this kind of reasoning makes sense in any planet.