reede, september 05, 2003

I'm back! What can I say? I didn't get the type of visa that I wanted, but at least this time it really looks like I'm on my way...

It just makes me mad that I was conned by the bitch at the consulate. This is how it happened:

Two months ago I got from this same consulate a paper with a list of documents that I have to submit to them in order to get my visa. So after gathering all the papers, I went again last Monday, stood in line, presented my papers to one officer... she looked at them for two or three minutes, and then she said they were all okay and to please go to the next window.

I went to the next window, and when my name was called, the lady in this second window would charge me a fee that does not correspond to the visa I was expecting. So I try to ask her some questions, like what is missing, or why am I not getting the one I want, stuff like that. All this bitch is able to answer to me is that WE cannot answer to those questions here in this city, YOU have to go back to our country's capital city, and find out by yourself. Period.

I leave the consulate very angry thinking that this can't be right, so I go back, and talk to the girl who had first told me my papers are all right. What a difference five minutes and 2 meters separation make! This girl answered with patience and a little smile all of my questions. I can't believe the witch sitting a few feet away from her, just a couple of minutes before had told me that THEY cannot answer those questions in that CITY. What a jerk.