esmaspäev, september 01, 2003

Funny, should I bitch about my brother's call today? Last week he'd said he'd call me 'tomorrow', meaning on Thursday, but he didn't call until a while ago. I guess that's the way it is when you become rich and famous. Like I said before, I'm always available to him, like a little pet dog is always available to play with his human masters. I don't understand, is it the heat and the high humidity? Or is it the spicy food? I hear people here tell me a lot of things, but very few of them actually come true. This is a truly widespread practice in this part of the world. Should I follow the local custom and start to misslead people telling them I'll do this and that for them, make them happy while they're talking to me... and then plead insanity and don't do shit?

Sometimes I'm very tempted, but that's just not the way it's supposed to be. And I don't think I'm much of a "rule book" guy, I just want people to say what they mean and mean what they say. I don't think that's asking for too much... unless you're in Japan!

I learnt the hard way that in Japan they consider it kind of 'unsophisticated' when adults cannot do this mindreading task. For one thing, both parties in the conversation would have to have the same background to be able to communicate in this mysterious style. That doesn't work for me.

The bottom line is, I wasn't very excited about my brother not keeping his word. I think that even the rich and famous should have a better memory about these matters.

By the way, I got confirmation that it's okay for me to travel tonight to that dreadful border city to do my visa paperwork. So probably there'll be no entry in this blog for a few days. I think I'll be writing again by Sep. 8th. Sorry to you, my millions of fans for not keeping you posted in the next few days.