neljapäev, september 18, 2003 Bush: No Saddam Involvement in 9/11 Attacks

How terrible and sad that the Americans, who think of themselves as some sort of special children of God, get things so wrong. And how did they get things so wrong? From the sneaky language used by their democratically elected leaders.

If they ever go to court or somewhere to justify their actions, they can certainly say that they "have never claimed that Saddam Hussein had either direction or control of 9-11". Of course they haven't.

But the way they word their speeches, putting close together the words "Saddam", "war on terror", "WMD", "Al-Qaeda", etc., makes it sound like they are one single problem with many branches.

No wonder nearly 70% of Americans end up with that missconception. If their president is as brilliant as Bush, imagine how the rest of the population might be.