esmaspäev, veebruar 05, 2007

Unpleasant surprise

What a shame!  I think this is the first time I have been disappointed in many years of use of this distinguished programming language called Python.  I think it's almost six months ago that the latest version of Python, 2.5 was released.  I waited a couple of months before upgrading Python in my own computer to give time to other developers to update their libraries.

And just this past weekend I got the nasty surprise that there're no libraries to access MySQL that are compatible with Python 2.5.  Arghhh!  MySQLdb only works with 2.4, and it's the same situation if I want to use ODBC.

Well, I really really need this little project to work as soon as possible, so yesterday I ended up DOWNgrading my Python to 2.4.  Well, for my own purposes 2.4 works very fine, but shouldn't we be moving ahead rather than going back in time?