neljapäev, jaanuar 19, 2006

Odd flying bugs

Gee, tonight I was having a nice dinner in my 18F apartment with lots of lights on and the glass doors to the veranda open cause it's so damn hot.  Then for the first time since I moved in here, suddenly several flying insects came in and were insistently hovering around the lightbulbs.

I don't know what they were, looked like winged termites.  That, plus the fact that I've noticed several places of my wooden floor damaged by termites, makes for a good reason to try to get rid of them as soon as possible.

These guys really find the light irresistible, so it's really not as big of an annoyance as say mosquitoes are.  But still, I don't want to share my living quarters with those guys -I don't want more termite damage in this apartment!  I sprayed them with some insecticide I've used before extremely efficiently with cockroaches, ants and mosquitoes, but these guys didn't seem bothered at all.  That's very puzzling, and I'm sure I didn't miss them with the spray.

Okay, so the next thing I tried was to turn off all of the lights inside my apartment, and instead turn on the single lightbulb I have in my balcony.  This worked like a charm!  Very quickly all of these guys rushed to the light outside and left the interior of my apartment in peace.  The problem is, now I can't open the sliding doors at night.  I wonder if mosquito coils would work with them?