esmaspäev, jaanuar 12, 2004

While I was in bed suffering from the bad Reiki, or the wrath of God, or improper Feng Shui, whatever you want to call it... I spent a lot of time watching the news...

I was thinking: "George, instead of spending so much money on useless wars that only tarnish the good image of my American friends, instead of pretending you're gonna send a man to Mars, why not spend that money on something real good that will place America in history with a headline like 'America achieved, for the first time in human history, the provision of clean drinking water for the whole population of the world'".

Wouldn't that be wonderful? It's certainly not impossible. If they can spend one billion dollars a week in their cheesy Iraqi war, they sure can spend some bucks in doing more constructive stuff.

Oh, unless the plan is to send George W to Mars and leave him there!