pühapäev, september 10, 2006

Slimming down with smells

I forgot to mention that recently I'd read that some scientic experiments have shown that for some people, it helps to slim down if they smell certain aromas.  No, these aromas won't make you magically burn more calories.  The way they work is supposedly, they help control appetite.  The article specifically mentions banana, green apples, and peppermint for this purpose.  It also mentions vanilla to help control chocolate cravings.

So since I already was out shopping for the electric fan, I also dropped by the supermarket to find fruit essences.  I could only find vanilla and bananas.

When I came back to my apartment I was really hungry and took a few whiffs from the vanilla and banana bottles.  Then I proceeded to eat a small bag of pumpkin seed snacks.  Does it work?  Maybe.  Smelling those things surprisingly didn't make hungrier.  And right now I'm surprised I was satisfied with such a small serving of snacks.  Uh, I'll know if it really works perhaps within some six months.