neljapäev, mai 18, 2006

Urgent notice & Quicktime upgrade

Yesterday this guy from the office called me from his mobile phone while he was driving to tell me about our office's possible moving to another district.  He ended the conversation by telling me to think it over and to let him know my opinion.  I figured that if he calls me like this it must be a really urgent thing.  But this morning that I saw him in person at the office and we were sitting in neighboring desks, he didn't mention the moving at all.  So what was that phone call yesterday?  More blabber?  I already made up my mind:  if it's a productive thing to do, we should get moving soon.

In unrelated news, today I noticed there's a critical update for Quicktime, so I downloaded it and started to install it some ten minutes before leaving the office while I shut down the other computers.  But at some moment I saw an error message on my laptop computer, where this update was taking place.  I didn't pay attention, and clicked on the only button:  OK.  Then I see that the installer has come into what looks like an infinite loop.  I saw the installer's progress bar reach 100% and then go to 0% and start increasing again over and over, at least five times.  And the legend right above this progress bar would always say the same:  Installing Quicktime, not "deleting backups", "registering ...", "copying files", etc.  Fuck that looked bad, but the installer's Cancel button was disabled, and I couldn't right click on Close either.  Then after nearly 30 minutes, the installer finished gracefully.  It appears that Quicktime was installed correctly after all.  So much for this media player I rarely use!