neljapäev, aprill 06, 2006

The science behind our diets

A few days ago I read in the news that after all, people who follow low fat diets don't have a reduced risk of some kind of heart disease.  So what am I to make of this?  Perhaps I shouldn't feel as guilty eating all those greasy delights anymore.

Also, I've noticed that in this freaking steamy weather I sweat so much that when I go to an air conditioned room and the sweat on my shirt dries, it leaves like a white cloud where it used to be wet.  I can't believe this is detergent.  It can only be sweat.  So, what's that white thing made up of?  Must be salt.  So, if I'm losing so much salt through sweat that it even leaves visible marks on my clothes, then it shouldn't be so bad that I generously compensate through my eating habits.  Actually, perhaps it's a must that I replenish that salt!

Okay, so I'll do as I say, and I'll have for dinner one pork chop, fried and served with a very nice sauce made of finely chopped garlic, chopped parsely, salt, and oil.  Looking forward to extending my life!